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Many people have asked me about my "total health protocols" and how....

   1) I have NOT gotten sick (no flu, cold, fever, etc.) - not even once - since 2015, no joke! 

       (Item #9 below has been scientifically proven to kill all pathogens, even coronaviruses)

   2) My mother no longer has asthma, chronic bronchitis, or emphysema ("incurable")

   3) My mother no longer has headaches, allergies, arthritis, osteoporosis, or chronic fatigue

   4) My father no longer has allergies, osteoporosis, eczema, or back pain

   5) We have all anti-aged (clearer skin, disappearing wrinkles, etc.) AT LEAST 10-15+ yrs!

   6) We experience better sleep, more energy, stamina, flexibility, muscle tone & build, etc.

   7) We experience less anxiety/stress, more relaxation & overall wellness, AND ON & ON...


Before going further, please understand that none of this is meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease, sickness, ailment, etc. and is not meant to be taken as "proper" &/or "qualified" medical &/or health advice.  Everyone is always advised to CONSULT QUALIFIED PHYSICIAN &/OR MEDICAL CARE with regard to any & all health/medical/wellness issues &/or decisions.  I am just merely sharing, in response to numerous requests, what has apparently worked well for me.


So here it is, in step-by-step format, including direct links (when clicking on the words) to where I myself go to get them (mostly they are on Amazon, but no big surprise there!!).  I've been consistently and "religiously" doing this for YEARS, and it does indeed take a significant amount of time, effort, & resources.  The turning point (apart from FEARING The Almighty) for me was in realizing that this body, this life, is NOT my own (Matthew 16:24-25).  This body is a temple of The Holy Spirit, and I was bought at a price (1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 7:25; 15:1-8ff).  I am therefore responsible as a priest in His royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9) to take care of the temple (my body... hence, my HEALTH).


Keep in mind that I am sharing this with you at the risk of limiting my own personal supply (for specific details on how I take/use/apply/etc. any of these, just email me at  Over the years much prayer & research & "testing" went into these as I found that no "all-in-one multi-vitamin/health-product/pill/etc." source would do it.  You need to get the right kind of each (e.g. the "right" kind of Chlorella, Vitamin E, B, etc.).


I have been incorporating the below forty-three (43) items on a daily, weekly, & monthly basis for the past several years (since around 2015), and for emphasis, I made the absolute essential most important ones highlighted (of which the most imperative are items #1, #7, #9, #10, & #12)...





1) Proverbs 3:5-8, with special focus on vv. 7-8 (email me at if you want the FULL story behind this, & how it's connected to In-N-Out Burger).  Without FEAR OF THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR ANOINTED SAVIOUR, nothing else matters (Genesis 22:12; Genesis 31:42; Genesis 31:53-54; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Matthew 10:28; Philippians 2:12-13; Revelation 19:5).  Once I started to actually FEAR Him, so that He Who Is my greatest love is He Who Is also my greatest Fear (Genesis 31:42; Genesis 31:53-54), then everything, including total physical health, began falling into place (Proverbs 3:7-8).... and of course ceaseless prayer! (Philippians 4:6-13; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; James 5:13-18)


2) Medical & Military Grade Industrial Level Air Purifiers (Multiple Units)


3) Consumer Level Air Filters (Multiple Units)

       (For Smaller Unit Wall Plug-In Options Click Here


4) Shower Filters


5) Water Filters (for Faucets; Non-Drinking)


6) Water Filters (Gravity Filters for Drinking)


7) Magnesium Chloride "Oil".... Utilized in 50-Min. Daily Shower Sessions (Apply to Skin All Over from Head to Toe, Especially Head & Face with Eyes Closed, & Left on For 20 Mins., Then Shower Off) - if I could take only ONE supplement, it would be this ...this is nothing short of a miracle in countless categories (including reverse-aging), and is perhaps the only item here which can claim to & actually eliminate emphysema (which "experts" say is incurable) - I know this for a fact as my mother had emphysema for years, but now, after this, she doesn't!  If you have ANY breathing issues (asthma, allergies, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, etc., or if you want increased longevity & quality of life with TRUE ANTI-AGING (even down to the cellular, molecular, & GENETIC levels), this is an absolute MUST! (just Google "magnesium anti-aging" & take a look at the articles covering this...more people need to learn about this scientifically validated "fountain of youth" hidden in plain sight!)

At the least, check out this article... & see multiple deficiency symptoms here -

(*NOTE: It may take a few weeks or months to get used to this, as some minor itchiness & stinging may be experienced at first, so start maybe with feet, then legs, slowly working your way up to the full body application in the shower; it may be diluted in water to decrease itchiness & stinging, but if you are able to handle any stinging or itchiness, it is actually a good sign that it's working, and the anti-aging effects are out-of-this-world AMAZING!)

       For Preferred Full Gallon Size Click Here  


8) Magnesium Chloride Lotion


9) Magnascent ("Nascent") Iodine (no pathogen - including coronaviruses - has ever been found to successfully resist iodine, as scientific analysis confirmed by The World Health Organization concluded that “no significant cases of resistance to iodine have emerged” even among “both enveloped and non-enveloped viruses including Ebola, MERS, SARS coronavirus, influenza, and HFMD viruses”....see Article 1 & Article 2 & Article 3 & Article 4)

(*NOTE: to be fully effective, the nascent iodine must NOT be based in glycerine but rather in alcohol, with daily maintenance doses of 20-30 drops and daily "knockout all pathogens" doses of up to 200 drops in a day.... I have tried this using myself as my own "guinea pig" for years to see what works and what doesn't work... each time I take it, I wait at least 3 hours before taking it again, and never take more than 50 drops at one time... works best when drops are applied to 4-8 oz. of distilled water, to then be drank quickly within minutes)

       For Preferred 4 oz. Size Click Here 


10) Sodium & Potassium Bicarbonate


11) Magnesium Bicarbonate


12) Chlorella (strong in Vitamin A) - take this every day (I have taken at least 45 of these daily for YEARS) and it's like eating POUNDS of the best greens (salads, vegetables, etc.) combined.... I've searched for AGES for the best chlorella & found this to be the one, even better than "Sun Chlorella" from Japan which is what I initially took for a while...

so healthy it makes spinach look like junk food LOL!


13) Spirulina - like Chlorella (see #12 above), with less "greens" but much more PROTEIN


14) Zinc w/ Copper


15) Selenium


16) Full Spectrum Vitamin B


17) Full Spectrum Vitamin E


18) Curapro (Enhanced Turmeric/Curcumin)


19) AlgaeCal Plus (w/ Vitamin C, D, & K)


20) Bee Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen, Bee Propolis, & Bee Honey


21) Keratin


21) Trikatu


22) Probiotics


23) Ecklonia Cava


24) ESSENTIAL Amino Acids - Pharmaceutical Grade (All 9)


25) Non-Essential Amino Acid Arginine


26) Non-Essential Amino Acid Lysine


27) Non-Essential Amino Acid Tyrosine


28) Non-Essential Amino Acid Methionine


29) Non-Essential Amino Acid Cysteine


30) Frankincense/Boswellia (AKBBA MAX w/ Boswellin PS & BioPerine)


31) Krill Oil


32) Astaxanthin


33) Catalase


34) Nattokinase (only twice per week)


35) Apricot Seeds (perhaps the most important for fighting cancer!)


36) Remineralization Toothpaste (w/ Hydroxyapatite & Xylitol; Flouride Free; SLS Free)


37) MI-Paste (with Recaldent; Flouride Free; SLS Free)


38) Sonicare Toothbrush

              (Brush Head Refills - Click Here)


39) Tooth-Remineralization Recaldent Chewing Gum


40) "Honest" Body Wash (Scroll Down Below for Hand Sanitizer & Refill Bottles)

              - Sponge Loofahs

              - Back Loofah 


              - HAND SOAP 


41) Special Organic Natural Shampoo & Conditioner (Paraben & SLS Free)


42) Gin-Gins (Anti-Inflammatory, mainly for Larynx/Throat/Excessive-Talking/Etc.)


43) One (1) tablespoon, twice (2x) a day, of extra virgin olive oil, with a pinch or two of Himalayan pink salt with each tablespoon

       >>>>>>> see







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